Order below Exh.1 in Bail Application No. 1053/2022
Swapnil Nandu Jadhav & Others 8 .. Applicants / Accused.
The State of Maharashtra through Police Inspector, Gangapur Police Station, Nashik. C.R.No.169/2022. ..Prosecution
Order below Exh. 1
1. The applicants/accused have claimed anticipatory bail in the event of their arrest in C.R. No. I169/2022 for the offences punishable under Sections 498A, 406, 323, 504, 506 r/w. 34 of the Indian Penal Code registered with Gangapur Police Station, Nashik.
Accordingly, interim protection was granted to applicants on 25.08.2022.
2.Heard Learned Advocate Shri P.R.Shejwal, for the applicants and learned A.P.P. Smt. Sangale for the State. Also heard learned Advocate Shri Wadne for informant and perused say filed by her. Perused the papers of investigation.
3. It is the case of the prosecution that the applicants being husband and inlaws of the informant, have illtreated and harassed her for unlawful demand and treated her with cruelty.
4. It appears from FIR that it is lodged on 22.08.2022. Learned Advocate for the applicants pointed out that the marriage between applicant No.1 and informant was solemnized on 27.11.2020 but then,
informant eloped with her lover after her marriage on 31.12.2020. Applicants have produced missing report lodged by the father of informant, her statement dated 16.01.2021, copies of DV proceeding and
order passed by the learned Court rejecting maintenance to informant, copies of statements recorded by police of the father of informant and Gajendra Bodke with whom informant eloped.
Considering all these aspects, prima facie, it appears that the report lodged by the informant
is dubious one and accordingly, interim protection was granted to applicants.
5. Now, investigating officer has filed a say and raised formal objections. The ld. Advocate for the Applicants submitted that the applicants do not have criminal antecedents. They are reputed person.
They are permanent local resident.
Therefore, considering all these aspects, this Court is of the view to confirm the interim protection
granted to applicants. Hence, the order.
::O R D E R::
1]The application ( Exh. 01) is allowed.
2] The interim protection granted to applicants on 25.08.2022 stands confirmed subject to same
3] Inform P.S.O. concerned accordingly.
ADITEE UDAY KADAM Nashik Date : 12.09.2022. Digitally signed by ADITEE UDAY KADAM Date: 2022.09.13 17:09:07 0600 (Aditee U. Kadam) Additional Sessions Judge 2, Nashik.