Cri. Bail Appl. No.1319 of 2022 (Or Exh.1)
(Presided over by Mr. M. H. Shaikh)
Criminal Bail Application. No.1319 of 2022
CNR No.MHNS010055442022
Sachin Dorgesh Hatkar
Age : 40 years, Occu.: Labour Work
Dilip Shankar Sonawane
Age : 47 years, Occu.: Business
Both R/o : Vaiduwadi, Sinnar,
Tal.Sinnar, Dist. Nashik.
… Applicants/accused.
State of Maharashtra
Through – Sinnar Police Station
(C. R. No.434 of 2022)
… Respondent/State.
Appearance :
Ld. Adv. Shri. Sameer Inamdar for Applicant/Accused.
Ld. A.P.P. Smt. B. N. Petkar for Respondent/State.
Shri. S. S. Awari, P.S.I., Sinnar Police Station.
(Delivered on 09th December, 2022)
This is an application filed under Section 438 of Criminal
Procedure Code for grant of prearrest bail in connection C.R. No.I434 of
2022 registered Respondent/Sinnar Police Station under Sections 307, 324,
504, 506, 143, 147, 148 and 149 of the Indian Penal Code and under
Section 37(1)/135 of the Mumbai Police Act.
Cri. Bail Appl. No.1319 of 2022 (Or Exh.1)
Read the application and the say filed by the respondent vide
Exh.4. Heard Ld. Advocate for applicants, Ld. A.P.P. for the State and the
I.O. Perused the policepapers produced for inspection by the I.O.
It is alleged by the prosecution that, on 08.10.2022 at about
04.15 p.m. in front of Hotel Gondeshwar Raswanti and Nasta on
Gangavesto Naigaon road, Sinnar the incident had taken place. Applicants
and other accused persons formed unlawful assembly and applicant No.1
assaulted the complainant on his head by the handle of the sword and
applicant No.2 assaulted the complainant on his head from behind by iron
rod. Accused Nos.3 to 5 and other 4/5 persons assaulted the complainant on
his stomach and back by fists and leg blows. The complainant sustained
grievous injury and was taken to the Hospital and later on the matter was
reported to the Police.
It is the case of the applicants that, they are falsely implicated.
Nothing is to be recovered or discovered at their instance. Custodial
interrogation of the applicants is not necessary. Ready to abide by the terms
and conditions likely to be impose by the Court. Therefore, prayed to allow
the application.
The grounds of objection are that, offence alleged is serious in
nature. Investigation is in progress. Muddemal is to be recovered. Custodial
interrogation of applicants is necessary. There is likelihood that, the
applicants may threaten and pressurize the complainant and the witnesses
and tamper with the evidence. Therefore, prayed to reject the application.
Upon hearing and going through the material placed on
record, what can be gathered is that, this Court rejected the prearrest bail
Cri. Bail Appl. No.1319 of 2022 (Or Exh.1)
application bearing No.1265 of 2022 of accused No.4 Sunny Dhangar and
accused No.5 Prashant Shinde on 19.10.2022, against which they
approached the Hon’ble High Court by way of anticipatory bail application
No.3193 of 2022 and the Hon’ble High Court on 21.11.2022 granted
interim bail till next date and listed the matter on 05.12.2022 and now it is
listed in the month of January2023. It is argued that, the role of applicants
is similar with that of accused Nos.4 and 5. Nothing is to be recovered or
discovered at the instance of the applicants was argued by Ld. Advocate for
the applicants.
Now, in this backdrop, if we consider the case in hand, one
will find that for one incident two F.I.R. are filed by both the parties.
Perusal of the policepapers reflect that, complainant was injured and was
admitted to the Hospital and thereafter he was taken in custody by the
Police in counter case filed by the side of applicants. The weapon used in
the crime is required to be seized. Offence alleged is serious in nature.
Custodial interrogation of the applicants is necessary. The role of applicants
was of assaulting the complainant by sword and ironrod. Therefore, the
role of applicants is not similar to that of accused Nos.4 and 5 to whom
interim bail is granted by the Hon’ble High Court. In the result, the
application fails. Hence, the order.
Criminal Bail Application No.1319 of 2022 stands rejected.
Inform the said order to the I.O.
Place : Nashik.
Date : 09/12/2022
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.12.09
18:09:07 +0530
(M. H. Shaikh)
Additional Sessions Judge, Nashik.