Rahul Gajanan Sonawane Vs State of Maharashtra Nashik Sessions Court BA 623 of 2022

Criminal Bail Application No. 623 / 2022
Javed Pinjari – State
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Criminal Bail Application No. 623 / 2022
Rahul Gajanan Sonawane- State
Order below Exh.1
(Delivered on this 25th Day of May, 2022)
This is an application for anticipatory bail U / Sec. 438 of
Heard Learned Adv. Shri Pramod Mahajan for applicant /
accused. Heard Learned APP Smt. Aparna Patil for the State. Perused
CAse of Applicant / Accused :
Applicant / accused is falsely arrested in Crime No. 149 /
2022, U / Sec. 327, 323, 504, 506, 427 and 34 of IPC. The
complainant is having no criminal antecedents. He is ready to abide by
all terms and conditions. Hence, he be granted anticipatory bail.
Objections by Prosecution :
IO and Learned APP have opposed this application on the
ground that investigation is in progress and other two accused are yet
to be traceed out. Therefore, application be rejected.
Conclusion :
Record shows that, first anticipatory bail application was
rejected by Regular Court on 12.05.2021. Contending that, during
previous bail application, there was no compliance of Sec. 157 of
CrPC, the applicant / accused moved this another application for
anticipatory bail. Regarding this subsequent application, the In-charge
Court of District Judge – 10, on 18.05.2022, issued show-cause-notice
to the IO, returnable on 25.05.2022. Today, the present matter is taken
before this In-charge Court.
Perusal of FIR shows that, there are allegations that, the
Criminal Bail Application No. 623 / 2022
Javed Pinjari – State
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applicant / accused along with two unknown persons had assaulted the
complainant and had snatched away cash of ₹. 50,000/- from the
complainant. The incident occurred at 22:30 hours i.e. during the night
time. Considering the nature of allegations, at this stage, no relief can
be granted to the applicant. Hence, following order is passed.

Application (Exh.01) stands rejected.
Digitally signed
Date: 2022.05.26
12:09:17 +0530
Dated : 25.05.2021
(Vijay S. Hingne)
In-Charge District Judge – 11 &
Additional Sessions Judge, Nashik.

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