Order below Exh.1 in Cri. Bail Application No.816/2022.
{ Nandu Raghunath Roundal and others Vs. State }
This is application under section 439 of the Criminal
Procedure Code for grant of bail pending trial.
The present application is moved by the applicants
accused praying to release them on bail in connection with the CR
No.121/2022 registered with Kalwan Police Station under section
353,309, 186, 504,506 r/w sec. 34 of the Indian Penal Code.
It is stated in the application that, the applicants are
arrested on 24.6.2022 and are produced on 25.6.2022 before the
learned Magistrate and since then they are in judicial custody. It is
also stated in the application that, the applicantsaccused are Karta
of their family and they have given undertaking that they will co
operate the police and will not tamper the prosecution evidence
and will abide by the conditions that may laid down by this court.
I.O. is present opposed the application by filing say at
Exh.5 and stated that the accused No.1 and 2 are already facing
multiple criminal proceeding, vide Cr No.68/2022 registered
against them on 28.4.2022 for the offence punishable U/s. 143,
147,148,341,352,504,506 IPC and Cr No.70/2022 for the offence
punishable U/s. 353, 332, 186, 427, 504,506 of IPC registered on
1.5.2022 and N.C. bearing No.434/2020, 210/ 2021, 512/2020,
218/2020 registered under section 323, 504,506 IPC on 20.9.2020,
26.4.2021, 23.9.2021 and 1.5.2022. The proceeding under section
107 of Cr.P.C. was also initiated against them. The necessary bond
for keeping peace and tranquility also got executed, however, they
have not changed their behaviour. They are of arrogant nature. The
investigation is in progress. They may influence the prosecution
witnesses. The accused No.1 and 2 were already on bail in CR
No.70/2022. The investigation of the said crime is still pending.
The accused may create law and order situation, if they are released
on bail.
Perused the record. Heard, both parties.
The learned counsel Shri. Nikam during the course of
his argument not pressed the bail application so far accused No.1
and 2 are concerned and therefore, this Court is considering the
bail application so far as accused No.3 and 4 are concerned. On
perusal of the entire record, it appears that these accused No.3 and
4 are first time implicated in the crime. Their antecedents are clean
and therefore, there is no hurdle in releasing them on bail
considering the nature of offences with certain conditions. Hence,
following order is passed.
Application is allowed so far applicantaccused No.3 and 4
are concerned.
Applicantsaccused No.3 Kishor Suresh Roundal and No.4
Sagar Dadaji Roundal in No.121/2022 registered with
Kalwan Police Station under section 353,309,186, 504,506
r/w sec.34 of the Indian Penal Code, be released on bail on
executing bond of Rs.15,000/ each with surety in like
They shall not hamper or tamper with the witnesses.
They shall furnish address proof aadhar card of their two
Cri. Bail Application No.816/2022.
near relatives alongwith mobile numbers.
They shall also furnish their address proof aadhar card with
mobile numbers.
They shall attend the Kalwan Police Station on every
alternate day from the date of their release from the jail, in
between 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. till filing of chargesheet.
In the event of breach of any of the conditions, their bail
bonds shall be liable to be cancelled.
The bail application so far as applicantaccused No.1 and 2
are concerned is disposed as filed as it is not pressed.
Bail in lower Court.
Date: 04.07.2022
Digitally signed
18:27:01 +0530
( M. A. Shinde )
Additional Sessions Judge9,