Mohandas Vasantrao Mahale Vs State of Maharashtra Nashik Sessions Court BA 945 of 2022

Cri. Bail Application No. 945 of 2022
NO. 945 OF 2022
{Mohandas Vasantrao Mahale vs. The State of Maharashtra through
Indira Nagar Police Station}
This is an application under section 438 of the Criminal
Procedure Code, 1973 for grant of anticipatory bail in crime no. 120
of 2022 registered with Indira Nagar Police Station for the offences
punishable under sections 420, 465, 468, 471 read with 34 of the I. P.
The applicant contended that false and fabricated case is
registered against him. The matter pertains to dispute of civil nature.
Nothing is to be recovered from him. His custodial interrogation is
not recovered. The revenue record is in the name of the L. Rs. of
original owner. Accordingly, the POA of them executed the sale deed.
He has deep roots in the society. This is his first offence. He is ready
to abide by any conditions imposed by the court. Hence, he has
prayed for grant of anticipatory bail application.
APP filed say at Ex. 07 and I. O. filed say at Ex. 08. The
complainant filed say at Ex. 18.

They have opposed the bail
application. They have stated that the offence is of serious nature.
The property was sold by original owner to one Manisha Khivansara
in the year 1991. Without inquiry of this fact, the property sold by all
the accused and cheated the complainant. Manisha has lifted the
property to the complainant. Yet, the investigation is to be done and
the documents are to be seized. In the other rights’ column, the
name of Manisha was there in the 7/12 extract. Overall, they have
opposed the bail application and prayed for dismissal of the bail
Heard the learned counsel for the accused, learned APP
and learned counsel for the complainant. They have argued as per
their stands taken.
I have gone through the application, say, arguments,
documents and police papers. In this case, the original owner sold the
plot no. 84 to Manisha Khivansara. She has gifted this property to her
brother i.e. the complainant on 24.04.2012. It appears to the court
that the sale deed was of the year 1991 and Manisha’s name was not
mutated by her in the revenue record. In the year 1992, the original
owner died leaving behind two daughters whose names appeared in
the revenue record. How the name of Manisha was entered in the
other rights column in the 7/12 extract is not explained by any of the
parties. Even the I. O. has not produced any documents to show that
how the name of Manisha appeared in the other rights column and
how her name was deleted. The entire mistake took place because
Manisha has not mutated her name in the revenue record and the
accused has not searched that whether any such sale deed took place.
The L. Rs. of the original owner i.e. her daughters were minors and so
they do not know about the transaction executed by their father in
favour of Manisha. The mistake appears to be because of the above

Indeed, the complainant appears to be the owner of the
property. All the documents are available in public domain with the
public office. The custodial interrogation of the accused is not
required. Accused has no criminal antecedent and have roots in the
society. The offence took place prior to 15 years and the FIR is
registered recently.

Looking to the same, on suitable terms and
conditions the accused can be released on bail. Hence, the following
Application for anticipatory bail is allowed on
the same terms and conditions as given below
Ex. 4 i.e. interim bail order and interim
Cri. Bail Application No. 945 of 2022
anticipatory bail is hereby confirmed.
The applicant should attend the Police station
in between 11.00 a. m. to 02.00 p. m. from
dated 25.08.2022 and 26.08.2022 and help the
police in investigation.

Inform the concerned Police station accordingly.
Date : 22.08.2022
Digitally signed
Date: 2022.08.24
16:29:08 +0530
(R. R. Rathi)
Additional Sessions Judge-6,

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