Balasaheb Madhav Sonawne Vs State of Maharashtra Nashik Sessions Court Bail Application


Cri.B.A.No.1706/2020 Criminal Bail Application No.1706/2020 CNR No. MHNS010046802020

[Balasaheb Madhav Sonawane V s. State]

(1). Application is allowed.

(2). The applicant Balasaheb Madhav Sonawane be released on bail in Cr.No. I­414/2020 of Wavi P. S., for offences punishable under Sections 302 and 201 of I.P.C., on furnishing a PR and SB of Rs.30,000/­ with one solvent surety of like amount on following conditions.

(a). He should furnish two documents about his identity proof and two documents in respect of identity proof of his relatives.

(b). He shall not directly or indirectly make any inducement, threat or promise to any person acquainted with the facts of the case, so as to dissuade them from disclosing such facts to the Court or to any police officer.

(c). Violation of any of the above mentioned condition, would result in cancellation of bail.

(3). Inform concerned police station accordingly.

(4). Bail before JMFC Court Vardhan
Digitally signed by
Vardhan Prataprao
Date: 2021.01.02
16:30:31 +0530

( V. P. Desai)
Date : 02/01/2021 Additional Sessions Judge, Nashik.